Stay Tuned to GES Newsletters
Stay Tuned to GES Newsletter
February 2019
The theme of the newsletter for the month of February was on
the importance of the 21st century skills. The structure of the newsletter was
similar to the previous newsletter and was comprised of three sections.
In-curriculum: It is important to teach students the importance of the 21st
century during the formative years, essentially when they are in school.
Mykensho in curriculum is carefully designed to develop core 21st century skills
such as critical and creative thinking, communication, and collaboration.
Simulate: Students are taught that the everyday mundane chores that they
perform have a wider significance in life. They are taught how to effectively
develop transferrable skills and co-exist in the future world of work.
ICEDC teacher training: The focus should not only be on teaching students about
the importance of 21st century skills. Teachers must also resonate with the
significance of these skills so they can sincerely incorporate it in their lessons .
Teachers are trained by master trainers on the urgency of 21st century skills
among other things.
January 2019
The theme of the January newsletter was to acquaint our
readers to my mykensho program. The newsletter was divided into three
sections on the different components of mykensho and GES.
In-curriculum: the mykensho in-curriculum program is implemented in schools
for students from 5 th to 12 th standards. The objective of the program is to help
students identify with who they are, what they want to become and effectively
contribute to their community in order to live a fulfilled life.
Simulate: Students in their mid school and high school go through a lot of
confusion concerning career decisions. The mykensho simulate program is
designed for students from 9 th standard to 12 th standard to guide them to their
right career path and help them live fulfilled lives.
ICEDC teacher training: GES in collaboration with ICEDC and Rotary is providing
internationally certified training programs to teachers.