mykensho assessments
Most Career Guidance programs offer students a battery of tests in order to make a decision about career choices. At mykensho however, we do not believe that tests by itself can accurately predict a career choice which has to be locked in for life. The tests and reports need to be the starting point of the the self discovery, exploration and development process.
There is a value in the variety of tests and tools that are available today. The purpose of these tests and tools should be to assist students discover more about themselves so that they are in a better position to understand the various pathways that open up to them and to make better choices about careers as the situation warrants.
At mykensho the student has access to nearly 20 tests and tools. The tests are designed to help a student discover more about themelves and offers them a possibility of improvement and growth.
Tools like the Career Selector, Career Progression Roadmap, University and Program Comparison Tool, Life Vision Wheel and Calendar are all designed to help students explore the possibilites available to them and enhance the skills necessary to achieve and maintain their goals and employability skills.